
Plants as projects. Plants as practice. Plants as plants.

Abbye Churchill uses plants as a medium in her studio work, a frequent subject of her writing, an occasion for programming and curation, and as plants themselves in her Brooklyn backyard garden. An aspiring florist and herbalist researcher, she also hosts workshops on plants and their uses—culinarily, medicinally, and artistically.


Wilder Quarterly

As the Editorial Director for Wilder, I helped craft a quarterly publication and a community around the love of plantlife and everything you can do with it. From commissioning stories on filmmaker Mike Mills’ love of succulents to speaking to Rodarte about the natural inspiration behind their collections to DIY primers on how to make cheese or champagne, force bulbs or forage for mushrooms in Finland, Wilder’s mission was always the same: get outside and reconnect with the tactile world.

Playing Plants as Music at MoMA

With Wilder, we curated a multi-media performance and installation by sonic artist Mileece for the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Mileece, a Los Angeles based sonic artist, has developed technology to interpret plant life into sound. The performance combined live cello; wildlife recordings and soundscapes from Mileece’s travels in Canada, Costa Rica, and other locales, and live visuals generated by plants, along with other video material.


Selected Projects and Writings

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The Most Psychedelic Way to Grow Plants — The Kitchn

For The Kitchn, a primer on growing indoors with grow lights. They’re the equivalent of a lava lamp and shag carpet for your plants.


Walter de Maria’s Earth Room — Opening Ceremony

Smack in the middle of the real estate turn-over that is Soho, New York City, minimalist sculptor Walter De Maria has created an enduring work that lies quietly, steadily in contrast..


Community & Programming